36-48V, 20A Sinewave Controller with ON/OFF switch, Proportional Regen, and CA3 Connector. For both Sensored and Sensorless Brushless Motors.
20A Sinweave Grinfineon Controller
Features include:
- Wide Input Voltage Range (27-58V)
- Operates both Sensored and Sensorless
- Quiet Sinusdoial Output when Sensored
- Sensorless up to 28000 eRPM, Geared Motor Compatible
- Fully Proportional Regenerative Braking from 0-0.8V Throttle Signal
- FWD/REV Input Wire
- Integrated ON/OFF Toggle Switch
- Performance MOSFETs (IRFB4110 or better)
- V2 and V3 Cycle Analyst Compatibility
- Waterproof Gasket
For more information please see the Grinfineon controller page.