Sherbrooke, Quebec
Published: 2025-01-23
All-Axle rear build allowing for great torque with the 20 inch wheel, allowing for ample power to climb the streets of our hilly town. The SuperHarness with a third party display allows us to have visual feedback even in the coldest temperatures the kids well protected in their rear fort.
*Coco is a cute way to say "Kid" in french
All-Axle on a 20 inch wheel
The hub motor with a standard winding shines with the 20 inch rear wheel on the Edgerunners. I feared it wouldn't be enough for hill climbing, but even with the bike loaded, I can accelerate in climbs. Max speed is very decent at 45 km/h: I wouldn't go any faster with children on board.
The regen is also a must have with this setup, even loaded, I hardly have to use my brake pads.
I even towed a small refrigerator with the two kids on the back!