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Electric Yuba Mundo

Oregon, USA



I wanted something to carry my wife and I plus any cargo for around-town trips like visits to the farmer's market, or even just getting coffee on the weekends. This bike more than delivers for that.

The bike is a Yuba Mundo v4. It uses a GMAC motor, phaserunner v6, CA-3, and torque sensor. Connected to a 52v nominal battery, housed in the triangle bag.

This bike is not intended to be fast, but rather to handle any kind of load we could conceivably throw at it. In fact, in the cycle-analyst, I have the pedal assist limited to 15 MPH (24 kph). Which is more than fast enough for the kind of load on the bike, the quality of the roads around us, and my general comfort on the bike.

I absolutely adore the GMAC. Having regen is absolutely amazing for this bike. Having the torque sensor and getting pedal assist proportional to the amount of work I do has been great for preserving the "bike" feel.