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Switzerland, France, Mexico, Belize



Solar touring tandem with a custom regen-capable mid-drive trailer to tour rugged roads and mountains!

Good experiences with our last solar touring tandem, going 10'000km to Cape North and around Switzerland led to this second design.
We had some clear goals set for our current tour of the Americas:
- single-track to be more bad-road capable
- gear-change on motor a must, we get up to 22% with 250kg system weight
- regen as a nice to have - first and foremost to have an additional brake on the trailer

Who could deliver a better system for such a setup than GrinTech?

So far we have around 4500km of touring and 1000km of testing under our tires, in all kind of conditions.
Icy Swiss winter roads, bad mud tracks and good cycling in France, hot and dry climate as well as heavy rainfalls in Mexico and Belize... to be continued!

In France we grilled one Baserunner probably due to too-high regen RPM - immediate support from Grin, a bigger pinion and enabling moderate overdrive got us quickly going with support again.
Apart from this, our very experimental setup runs like a charm and flattens hills like no other!