DIY Mains Cable Harness for Phaserunners / Baserunners

A Breakout Board to the 9-pin Mains Cable of Phaserunners and Baserunners (V4 and up) for Advance Users Making Custom Cable Harnesses.
Please Note: Use of the DIY mains cable will void the controller warranty, as any incidental exposure of the V+ or Key+ pins to other pads will permanently fry things. 

Availability: In stock

This breakout board allows you to solder in your own custom cable harness with whatever plug standard you use in the rest of the setup. Be aware that making incorrect connections can very easily permanently fry the controller, and as a result we do not warranty any controllers that use this part. Pay extra attention not to allow any of the signal wires to even momentarily touch the B+ or K+ pads.

Top layer breakout pads:

  • B+ - Battery positive voltage, always live
  • K+ - On/Off Key return. Short to B+ to turn controller on
  • G - Ground
  • +5V - 5v power for throttle etc... Max 30mA
  • G - Additional Ground
  • EBk - Analog input 2 (brake 1) can be mapped to throttle or regen brake control
  • G - Additional Ground
  • Rev - Forwards/reverse input (must set reverse on cruise enable)

Bottom layer breakout pads: 

  • T1 - Throttle signal input (Analog input 1)
  • G - Ground
  • +5v - 5v power for throttle etc... Max 30mA
  • TX - Transmit communication line for 3rd party displays
  • RX - Receive communication line for 3rd party displays
  • G - Additional Ground
  • K+ - On/Off Key Return
  • B+ - Battery positive voltage, always live