EZee Kits: Black, Stronger Gears, Higher Efficiency...

There have been a few updates to note in our line of eZee conversion kits.
Better Gears: After dealing with occasional random failures of the injection molded nylon gears in the eZee motors, these are now all being machined from a higher grade of gear stock. Depending on the batch we would sometimes see upwards of 2-3% failure rates on the molded gears, while so far there hasn't been a single tooth failure on the machined units. 

Thinner Laminations: Another update was made to the motor core itself. Instead of using 0.5mm thick laminations, they are now produced with thin 0.35mm material. This results in lower eddie current losses, lower unloaded currents (~1.8A vs. 3.2A) better efficiency (82% vs. 78%), and less motor heating. The simulator has been updated to reflect the new performance. 


Black: The rear motors are now all powdercoated black as standard. The front hubs are still a machined aluminum finish.