Nightime Riding Solutions
This is just a reminder as days get shorter that we have a range of lighting accessories designed to run right off your ebike battery pack. These have been getting high acclaim from all who have purchased them. In particular, the Dual Halogen kit provides either 10W or 20W of bright illumination, and with a traditional warm colour spectrum that gets a lot more notice on the road than bluish HID and LED lights. For those who just want power sipping, our 0.5W and 1W bombproof LED front and rear array lights will work up to 100V, can be seen for miles, and have built in waterproof button and memory.
They also work great for lighting up Hallowe'en pumpkins!
Fedex Shipping Solutions
We're pleased to offer a Fedex express shipping option for all of our international orders. This means a 2-day delivery time to most places in the world. We are still working on integrating this with our web checkout. That should be sorted soon but in the meantime we are happy to email a quote.
Vancouver is one of the birthplaces of mountain unicycling and has a large unicycle community, yet has always lacked a shop that specializes in them. We want to fix that and are ready to open up a small unicycle corner in our store, the preliminary website for which is here. You might wonder what unicycles have to do with ebikes. Well, not much, yet, though we're equally passionate about both.
Triangular LiFePO4
After some development time we are pleased to make available a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery option in a triangular form factor. The layout is similar to that used in our frame mounted 36V NiCad batteries, only it is lighter weight (4.7 kg) and higher in capacity (10 Ah). These particular packs are made with low impedance 'F' size cells rated for 5C discharge in a 12S 2P arrangement. The overall pack has an internal resistance of just 130 mOhm, half the resistance of other 10Ah ebike batteries, which means less voltage sag under load and no problems delivering up to 40 amps of continuous current. Click the graphs at the right to see the complete performance details.
This finally means that we have a battery pack that can be recommended for higher power systems using the 35 and 40A motor controllers.
Store Closure, Aug 28th to Sept 7th
A heads up to everyone that we will be closed for a short summer break starting at the at the end of this week right through to the Labour Day weekend. So last day for order shipments to go out will be Friday, August 28th, and they won't resume again until Tuesday, Sept 8th. We will able to respond to emails during this period, but there will be no one at our physical shop and the online store will be temporarily de-activated as well. Hope that everyone is able to get out and enjoy the last weeks of summer.
Freewheel Removal Tool for Hub Motors
One common problem with the rear hub motor maintenance is that people can't remove their freewheel, since the rear motor axles are too large to fit through the opening in the removal tool. We've now got a large supply of custom removal tools that were made up with a 14mm bore all the way through so that they will slide right over the large 14mm threads on the rear axles.
August 2009 Product Updates
Just a short note that the Nine Continent kit sales are on again with the infineon motor controllers. More product announcements and details by the end of this week.
Torque Arm Take Two
We've finished designing and testing an even tidier universal torque arm to offer for front hub motor installations. This model is made to screw into fender eyelets rather than being secured to the fork with a hose clamp. It too uses thick 3/16" stainless steel plate to restrain against axle rotation and can accommodate both 12mm and 14mm axles. We will still continue offering the hose-clamp variety for those with forks that don't have fender eyelets.
Open Spaces - Sunday July 12th, 2009, 12-5pm
The Vancouver car-free festivals have been so successful that this year the city has approved recurring Open Space events every Sunday on both Commercial Drive and Main St. The theme this July 12th is "Before there were Cars", and we've been allocated the entire block of Main between 10th and 11th avenue to host a 'Car Free Vehicle Show'. Please any and all people in Vancouver who ride an ebike of some form, show up! We'll have our fleet of unique longtails, cargo trikes, unicylces, and skatboards. But for spreading the word of this grass-roots movement, nothing beats having dozens of people from the community come by to share their own personal ebike stories and experiences with the public.
Movie in the Park
On Saturday night there is a chance to view the first ever bicycle-in movie screening featuring a short film "The Cat Returns". This will be hosted by our good friend Bruce Lau who has built a collapsible 14 foot screen that straps to his ebike; and the projector, sound system, and lighting for the show are all powered from circuits Bruce made that run off his ebike battery pack.
If you are up for doing something unique this Saturday then pack your blanket, some popcorn, and come join us. We will be meeting up at our store (4570 Main St.) at 8:30pm, and then riding en masse to an undisclosed public lot where the stage will get setup for an outdoors movie theater.