Baserunners Back in a V4 Model

The past few weeks we've been on a massive ramp up Baserunner L10 controller production now that all the PCB's are on hand.

The new V4 model uses exclusively waterproof plugs, and also has future options (not currently supported but in development) for a direct PAS or Torque sensor hookup to the controller without a CA3 and native motor temperature sensing.


V4 Baserunner User ManualPhaserunners Finito for a WhileFull information for this is new Baserunner release is available on the product info page as well as the hot-off-the-presses Baserunner User Manual.

We are glad to have these controllers available again and can continue selling medium to high power ready-to-roll kits with the electronics all neatly tucked away!

Unfortunately their availability also coincides with the Phaserunner controllers becoming out of stock. Due to all the supply issues with semiconductors it seems that the best case is mid 2022 before we'll be able to produce our Phaserunner units again. There are other 72V compatible controller options that we are exploring as a stop gap for those requiring 72V compatibility.