July 31 Gallery Prizes

The results our in for our 2nd round of prizes on the project gallery. The three winners of our weekly draw are:


Solar Catrike Side by side Date TrikE
Tim Yzerman from Vancouver, who built up an ebike as part of the UBC electric bike club over 18 years ago and has been riding and upgrading ever since. Adam from Quebec who built a GMAC powered touring catrike with an Bob trailer on the back, sporting both a solar roof and solar trailer. And Finally, Gary from Orgeon with who built a side-by-side tandem Date Trike, powered with an FH212 motor and stunning wooden framework. 

Congratulations each of you.

We planned to have our first staff pick prize, but found it impossible to settle on just one with so many stunning submissions. The following 3 projects were all at the top of the list after a few rounds of voting, and we decided what the heck, let's give all three of them a prize too. 

The most Fanastiko Coffee Bike Custom Frontloader Frame Wind Power, for real
First was the the local scavanger coffee trailer that has been serving beverages all around Vancouver from their delighfully crafted mobile brew machine.  We promise that their winning ticket has nothing to do with showing up at Grin several years ago and treating our whole staff to drinks.  Next was a lovely study in custom frame design from Adrien in France. This curves on this front loading cargo bike are stunning, and the electric integration is a clean as can be. Powered by a front FH212 motor with cable actuated steering and a gas sprung centerstand. Beauty.  And finally for something way out of left field, we've got loads of Solar bikes but these WindWheeler quads from the Netherlands are harvesting wind power isntead. The CA3 + Baserunner allows them to auto regen above a given speed limit to recoup sailing energy to use later. 

If you submitted a project and didn't win yet, fret not. We'll be keeping all projects in the running both for the weekly draws and the montly staff pick awards and your chance may come yet.