Front Max45 All-Axle High Voltage CA3 Kit

Grin Max45 Front High Voltage All-Axle Cycle Analyst Based Conversion Kit for Fast Fatbikes Conversions. Fits Both 135mm Quick Release or 150mm Thru-Axle Fatbike Forks.  Includes 72V Lithium Battery, Phaserunner Controller, and PAS Sensor Options. 


From USD$1,320.00

To USD$3,367.00 Regular Price USD$3,542.00

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Customize Front Max45 All-Axle High Voltage CA3 Kit

CA3_MFSwitch for CA3-WPx

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Front Max45 All-Axle High Voltage CA3 Kit
Front Max45 All-Axle High Voltage CA3 Kit

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Actual cruising speed/perfomance under any loading conditions is well modeled in our simulator.
Launch Motor Simulator with Front Max45 All-Axle High Voltage CA3 Kit


    Grin Max45 All-Axle front hub motor kit has 66% more torque and power capability than our regular All-Axle motor and is compatible with both 135mm quick release ane 150x15mm thru-axle fatbike forks. The CA3 kit provides the most versatility for proportional regen control and has PAS Sensor options. Use of a higher current draw torque sensor at 72V requires custom cable to supply 12V power from alternate source than the CA3. 

    • Motor is compatible with both 135mm quick release and 150mm thru-axle forks. 
    • Powerful 45mm wide motor stator but weighs just 6.0 kg.
    • Statorade injection port for maximum cooloing option.
    • 72V compatible motor controller and accessories. 
    • Optional 72V downtube batteries available from Grin, or supply your own.