Drop-In Store Closed for Renovation
Well it's been another huge and busy summer, and now that it's mostly wrapping up we're planning to spend the next several months on some deep reorganization and renovation of our shop space. During this time we will operate in business-as-usual for all our online orders and email tech support. However, the storefront will be closed to casual walk-in visits except by appointment only, and our phone may unresponsive for long stretches of times too.
These updates to our facility will allow us to grow and operate more efficiently in the years ahead, and we thank you for your patience during the process.
For local customers wanting to purchase items, the process will involve placing the order online first and then coming by to pickup the order after you've been notified that the items are ready to collect.
Rear Thru-Axle Motors
In our quest to make hub motors keep up with changing frame standards, we've just released a custom version of the Crystalyte 'H' series UFO motor that is compatible with rear thru axle bike frames. We have the rear H3540 and H3525 motors in a 142x12 standard, and a wider H4040 motor available for the 148x12 boost size.
These motors have an integrated torque arm and we've designed a special CNC machined aluminum frame clamp that provides a versatile means to secure the arm against rotation. They open up electrification options for new bike frames that have adopted the thru-axle hub standard, using the rugged and time proven Crystalyte motor series.
They are using the L1019 plug standard and are available as part of a complete kit package as well.
Electrafest, This Saturday Aug 24th
Our final event to attend this summer is the annual VEVA Electrafest show, happening this Saturday from 10am to 6pm at the Vancouver Roundhouse. This show dedicated to all electric vehicles has been going on annually for several decades and is really taking off now that EV's are finally coming of age.
We'll be there with an outdoors booth and a number of interesting ebike conversions available to test ride, ready to chat and answer any questions.
Cargo Bike Carnival - Sat Aug 10th
We're hoping this everyone is out having a wonderful BC day long weekend right now. Next weekend, on Aug 10th, our friends at the Sidesaddle Bike Shop are organizing a small cargo bike festival from 10am - 3pm. This could be a fun meetup for those in the city with cargo bikes to hang out, and a great opportunity for those considering getting one take some test rides and talk with firsthand users about their experiences. We'll be there with some from our own fleet of ebikes optimized both stuff and passenger hauling for people to try, and will be happy to answer any electrification questions that come up.
Hiring Season
If you've visited our shop this summer you've likely noticed that things can be really really busy. It's a wonderful problem to face and in order to help us maintain our high standards of customer support and product support need more people working at Grin!
We're looking to bring on up to 5 or 6 new recruits in the areas of manufacturing, packing/shipping, accounting/bookeeping, and sales/support. If you are already living in the Vancouver area and see yourself or someone you know fitting in with our culture and mission, please get in touch with us by email. There's a brief description of what we are looking for in the jobs/careers page.
Summer Sales
We're in the midsts of inventory suffling right now especially as we transition over to the new L1019 connector standard, and that means a lot of savings and discounts with the remaining Anderson inventory:
MXUS Motor Sale
Now that we have the 9C RH212 direct drive motors in full stock, they'll become our new standard budget direct drive hub, and the remaining MXUS cassette motors are all 25% off. Same with our remaining 9C+ front motors.
eZee Kits:
We've also put a 15-18% sale on all the eZee hub motor kits in anticipation of having an L10 connectorized version of these later in the fall, so now is a fantastic time to get one of these venerable high torque geared motor systems at a discount.
We're also retiring the classic Stokemonkey kit as we move to focus entirely on hub motor drives, and have our remaining inventory at 50% off and more. If you're looking for a real classic drive system for a cargo bike this could be your chance for bargain shopping.
New 21700 Battery Options
Plus, we've recently expanded our downtube battery selection to include batteries based on the Panasonic NCR21700A cells. These are the same cells used in Tesla vehicles that became available at an unusual discount due to US/China trade issues and so we were able to bring them in and have them on sale in one go. There's a 36V 14.5 Ah, 36V 19.5Ah, and 52V 14.5Ah options, with a new enclosure standard that has an on/off switch, mini 3-pin ST charging port, and Baserunner controller compatibility.
Fatbike Rims Too
We also just received a shipment of the DHL65 rims from Weinmann to further support fatbike and large tire ebike conversions. Unlike most fatbike rims that have excessive left-right spoke stagger rendering them difficult to use with hub motor wheelbuilds, the DHL65 has holes drilled near enough to the centerline that even hub motors with narrow flange spacing can be laced successfully. These rims work well for tires ranging from 3" up to 4.5" in width and are stocked in 20" 24" and 26" diameters with both 32 hole and 36 hole drilling options. Available directly from our Rims catalog or as an option on any kit with a custom wheel build.
Grinning with a GMAC
Thanks in part to an unexpected article by the ebike champion and educator Micah Toll, we've found found ourselves being flooded with interest in our new GMAC Hub Motor series. Well we're glad to say that after 2 years of development testing and design iterations, the goals we set out to achieve in partnership with MAC motors for have been fully realized. It's time to properly introduce the GMAC motor now in full production:
A powerful regen-capable geared motor, with integrated torque arm, round axle, side cable exit, cassette freehub, and no clutch. Enjoy!
Happy Canada Day
We hope all of our northern customers have been having a great Canada Day long weekend. If you've gone on an ebike powered camping expedition then send us your celebration pics!
For the next week we have a flat 15.2% discount on all our flagship made-in-Canada items (Phaserunner, Grin All Axle motor, LiGo batteries, dc-dc converters etc). Simply use the coupon code "Canada152" at the checkout.
Just a note to everyone that Justin and Anne-Sophie are now back from a 6-week leave after bringing a little baby girl into this world. Her name Andina was inspired from AnSo's unicycle trip across the Andes, and it's going to be a delight for us to join all the other young families who've been raising a kid from the seat of a cargo bike rather than the backseat of a car.
Anyways if there's been a lack of updates on the site that is why, and we want to thank all the staff at Grin who've been keeping things running and flowing during this very busy time of year. More good stuff (videos, new products, web updates, clearance sales) coming soon.
Single Sided All-Axle and the Spezi Show
A trade show we've been dying to attend one of these days is the Spezi bike show happening next weekend (April 27-28) in Germany. This is where all the oddball, unusual, and otherwise special bikes get showcased, and if anyone's been keen on electrifying wheeled oddities it's us!.
While we won't be there in person, a number of vehicles will be at the show featuring the new Grin products like the GMAC Hub Motors, RH212 direct drive motors, All Axle hubs, and the Baserunner and Phaserunner_L10 controllers. If you're lucky enough to attend then check out Booth A.18 and Booth 3.12 for some velomobiles and cargo vehicles running this gear.
The timing is also great for us to formally announce an updated 2019 version of the Grin All Axle motor suitable for these single side applications, as explained in this new video below.
End of March Madness, new motors, batteries, connectors...
First off we want to apologize for the longer than normal response time and email backlog as much of our team was busy both in the preparation and attendance at the Taipei Cycle Show this past week. We'll be working hard to catch up on that in the coming days and thank your patience and understanding. To all the dealers, vendors, manufacturers, component partners, and general industry friends we met at the show, what a great time and we look forward to exciting pursuits ahead.
GMAC Motors
One of the items we demonstrated at the show is the new GMAC motor series. This is a powerful clutchless geared hub motor developed over the past 2 years in partnership with MAC motors, using a custom axle with an integrated splined torque arm. Imagine a MAC motor with perfect frame fit for modern bicycles, zero torque transmission on the dropouts, and phenomenal regenerative braking control.
You can learn more about the development and axle testing process on this endless-sphere thread. Our ambition is to make this splined axle design into a new standard that we deploy across our entire higher power motor lines to replace axle flats. If you're as excited as us and want to jump right into ordering, we have the first production shipment on hand available in bare motors and complete kits.
L10 Connector
One thing you'll notice about this GMAC motor is that we are using the 10 pin waterproof locking motor plug. Over the course of the year we will be switching to this connector standard for all of our medium and high power hub motors, replacing the Anderson and JST-SM's that we had standardized on previously.
Our hope is that this plug will become to motors in the 500-1500 watt power range what the 9pin Z910 became for the low power geared motors, with all motor manufacturers agreeing to the same pinout standard for easy swapping and interchangeability . We have an L10 version of the Phaserunner motor controller available now and will soon be expanding this to a Grinfineon offering as well.
More L10 Motors
There are two additional motors in our lineup already using this locking connector. The first is a new rear cassette motor from Nine Continent, which has better disk rotor clearance and axle alignment than the MXUS hubs. Our first batch of these has sold out but the larger sea order is expected later in April.
The second is an updated variant of our Grin All Axle motor where we've got the cable exiting on the disk side of the motor for single side applications. If you've got a catrike and are looking for powerful dual motor drive like the one here, please give us a shout.
72V Batteries and 21700 Cells
We've also released our first native 72V battery pack in a conventional downtube battery casing, assembled using the high power Samsung 27100 40T cells so that even with the small 8Ah capacity it is able to deliver 40-50A continuous currents. This is an ideal battery for fast and sporty offroad ebike builds, allowing powerful performance without the weight or complexity of most 72V setups (either two 36V packs in series or a large triangle frame battery).
At the moment this battery is in stock but for local pickup orders only as we are going through the certification testing required for shipping. We've been keeping the 21700 cell offerings on our radar as they start to catch up with the performance specs of the more mature 18650 series and this year it looks like they are finally making the grade. Expect more from us as the year goes on.
Inbound Shipments
Our multiple-delayed Crystalyte sea shipment has also arrived this last week after being held up by customs inspections, and all the Crystalte 'H'motors are back in stock again. A lot of you have been waiting for some time for these and the wait is finally over.
General Kits Intro
Here is the other presentation from the BC Bike Show earlier this month. It was a basic primer for people to learn about ebike conversion options before we went on to do a live install of a conversion kit.